Energy Work
Shamanism is an Ancient Spiritual path, which opens a doorway to the Heart, enabling us to explore and understand our relationship with the Sacredness of all Life, a very powerful method of working with spirit, to restore energy, flow and power to their rightful places, allowing us to live our personal truth in alignment with Natural Law. Offering a way to reconnect with the Sacredness, Power and Beauty of the Natural world. For many, the Ancient teachings that first awakened us to remembering this path came from cultures other than our own, from tribal people who have generously shared the Sacred teachings that are still alive. But this is the path of all our Ancestors, and the memories lie within our Land, in the Stones, Crystals, Waters, Trees, the Air we Breath.
DEBRA KELLY is a Shaman, Teacher and Ceremonial facilitator…
As an Artist of the Sacred on the Path of the Heart, her work in the world is about awakening and the return to Oneness. Practicing ancient healing arts, Debra’s medicine brings deep soul remembering and inspires soul transformation.
Practicing in the Ancient Healing arts since 1993, weaving together many traditions of healing and lightwork as a way of Empowering others to Co-create pathways to wholeness through self-awareness. Her work in the world is about Awakening to the Inner Healer, which lead her to creating the modalities of “Sacred Body Work & Soul Sessions”… encompassing Mind, Body, Spirit, Emotions & Energetic body.
Much of Debra’s energy is channeled to bring greater Awareness of the tools with which each of us is inherently gifted. Debra’s quest to align with Spirit has been enriched through the Art of Ceremony and the Path of Shamanism. Debra feels most at Home sharing in Sacred space, apprenticed by the unseen realms and has learned to become an open and clear vessel for the teachings that come through that allow for deep healing. Ceremony, Ritual & Sound have played the most influential part in the Awakening of her Path as a modern-day Medicine Woman, it carries a code and language that she understands from an instinctual level beyond logic, connected to DEEP REMEMBERING and VISION that reveals through her work and sharing.
The Power of Energy Work
Debra works one on one and with groups, offering experiencial teachings from many traditions in the form of Ceremony and to Connect with our greatest teachers – our Earth Mother, her Mineral, Plant and Animal kingdom, the Sun, Moon and Stars. As we remember how to connect with these Energies and the Wisdom of this Ancient, Powerful and once Universal knowledge, we gently & lovingly enter back into right relationship with Gaia “the Mother of Us All” & experience a sense of Spiritual Community & Oneness with all of life.
The longest Journey we will ever take is from the Head to the Heart….from THINKER to FEELER! All of Life is our mirror & teacher through constant change, when we are proactive with the changes and work with Intention & feeling awareness, Life arrives more in tune with a Rhythm that is Balanced within Harmony. We as a race are transcending separation and duality into Oneness. Unity Consciousness is anchored deep within my Heart space. As Debra engages in all of Life in Sacred Ways, She fully trusts the path that reveals through this Dance of Mystery with the Universe, and look forward to sharing with you. Every session is catered to your individual needs & Transformation is name of the game!

INTENTION, BREATH, TOUCH, PARTICIPATION, RITUAL, CEREMONY & SOUND are the Alchemical tools in this exchange. Our question to you is how deep do you wish to go in remembering all that you are, within LOVE?
Soul Session
Details & Pricing
Book Now 60 Min- $148
Book Now 90 Min – $198
Book Now 120 Min – $248
Soul sessions are designed for those who wish to go deeper, releasing old paradigms from the place of awareness of eternal self. For those who are willing to rewrite the story from the place of empowerment and co-create a new blueprint of magnetic energy.
Awakening the Chakras
Details & Pricing
Book Now 60 Min – $148
Book Now 90 Min – $198
Book Now 120 Min – $248
This session is designed to activate your cellular memory and take you deep into the feeling places of sacred remembering and co-creation.
Sacred Bodywork
Details & Pricing
Book Now 60 Min- $148
Book Now 90 Min – $198
Book Now – 120 Min – $248
This session is designed to harmoniously align body and spirit by combining breathwork, intention, sacred sound, and massage.
Virtual Soul Sessions
Details & Pricing
Book Now 60 Min- $150
Book Now 90 Min – $198
Book Now 120 Min – $222
Crystal Light Bed
w/ Jaclyn
Details & Pricing
This session is designed to activate your cellular memory and take you deep into the feeling places of sacred remembering and co-creation.
Group Shamanic Healing Journey
Details & Pricing
Book Now 90 Min – 120 Min – $444
Ceremony acts as a bridge between the inner World of the Soul and the Outer World of our day-to-day lives. By Consciously creating Ceremony, we make time and space to Honor Spirit; simultaneously, we become aware of how Spirit permeates the physical, enabling us to remember our Sacred Connections with Mother Earth and All Our Relations. It would be an Honor to Create a Ceremonial Experience tailored to your group.
Sound Activation
Details & Pricing
Book Now 60 Min- $148
Book Now 90 Min – $198
Book Now 120 Min – $248
Bathe in a cathedral of the senses and enter the temple of sacred sound, vibration, sent, crystals, color, and light. allow the heart of your soul to journey to the depths of your being and beyond. This experiential session takes you on a personally guided journey into feeling awareness and is designed to get you aligned, centered, and in touch with your sacred life force, which supports the process of gently uncovering unconscious elements.

If you do not see your desired appointment time here, please call our staff to assist you with your booking.
Find Us
215 NE 22nd Street
Delray Beach, FL 33444
Monday 1pm-7pm
Wednesday 10am – 3pm
Friday 10am – 6pm
Saturday 10am-5pm
Sunday 11am-4pm
Closed Tuesdays & Thursdays
For all in-person/phone purchases, there will be a 3.9% fee for online payments and credit cards. This decision was made after careful consideration to manage rising processing costs effectively. We remain committed to providing you with the highest quality products/services and appreciate your continued support.